Collect resources, save other survivors, and enjoy this fairly basic RPG-type game Fortnite: Save the World: this is a co-op hybrid game that mingles a third person shooter game with a tower defence game with a survival game! It is PvE with four players working together after a fluke storm has killed 98% of the population, leaving ‘husks’ (which as basically zombies) who attack all the human survivors.Players are airdropped from the battle bus, and must scavenge for weapons and resources – quickly! The longer you play and survive, the fewer other players will be left, but the map shrinks accordingly, so there is no hiding away and hoping that the others will kill each other off for you! Battle Royale: in this iteration of the game, up to 100 people duke it out to be the last man standing.This makes it a great game for both older and younger players. There is plenty of violence in the game, but it’s cartoonish and unthreatening with no gore or messy scenarios. For example, instead of just taking pot-shots at other player’s walls, while hiding behind your own, sneak up on them, build stairs to climb and ambush them! Sneaky, but satisfying! Building as you fight can garner you plenty of wins, to the point that you might even favour building over shooting in some battles.

Master the art of building quickly, while on the fly to truly enjoy all the advantages that this game has to offer. Often, you will only need to make a set of stairs to access an out-of-the-way resource, or a wall to hide behind – you do not need to make enormous buildings (but you can if you want to!) You can then reuse these items to create walls, floors or stairs, which seems limited, but is enough to get you what you need. Pretty soon, you can use your pick-axe to collect wood, stone and metal, usually by knocking down existing structure that you come across, but also by attacking others. You hunt around and gather likely looking resources and stumble upon a pick-axe. In all of the games, you start from scratch, with nothing to your name but the absolute basics. The other modes are Save the World and Creative: see the last section for details of the three game modes. This mode of the game is the most popular, and it is the one that most people mean when they say the name. In Battle Royale, you can play alone, as a duo or a squad of 3 or 4, and you can also win as a squad. Today, it is still one of the most popular games out there. But then the Battle Royale mode was released and soon Fortnite become the most popular game in the world, going on to win prizes every year since its release. Initially, the first game mode (Fortnite: Save the World) was released, and made little headway. Fortnite is an online video game available in three modes.